
Mantenha-se atualizado com as últimas notícias da Promasidor

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Especiarias Onga

Todos nós gostamos de cozinhar com cebola, alho e sal, mas podemos ir sempre mais além, transformando pratos comuns com novos sabores, aromas e cores usando ervas e especiarias.

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Cereais Yumvita

Os cereais Promasidor preferidos para crianças são os Yumvita, eles são feitos para garantir uma fácil digestão e são ideias para bebés que acabaram o amamento e que precisam de comida sólida.

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Loya becomes the headline sponsor for the 2016 Angola Girabola

GIRABOLA (meaning a spinning ball) was founded in 1979 and is the top division in Angolan Football, which is organized by the Angolan Football Federation.

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New distribution centre in Huambo province, Angola

FPAL opened its new distribution centre in the province of Huambo (which was formerly known as New Lisbon), in Q1 of 2014 in order to cover the south-eastern towns of Angola.

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Yumvita takes off in the DRC, Ghana and Angola

Yumvita was launched into Ghana the DRC, and Angola markets during the first quarter of 2014.

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